
Welcome to the website of ‘Stichting Informatievoorziening Zorg’, also called IVZ. IVZ has the goal to ‘provide solutions in the area of informationprovision and data-exchange for healthcare, social work and social services’. IVZ has its roots in information services for addiction care in the Netherlands, in which it still fullfills an important role. IVZ is also an important partner in the European network for information services in addiction care.

IVZ was the first organisation to develop and apply biometric identification in healthcare information systems. The knowledge and experience in the field of safe information exchange, conforming the legal frameworks, that originated from this knowledge, has built the basis for the development of the company ZorgTTP. From the extensive knowledge and experience, IVZ has developed several innovative IT-solutions for a wide range of applications in healthcare.

The solutions of IVZ are focused on providing management information and quality information on the care process. With this information the one-time record within the chain is, in which patientcare is provided, leading for the way in which information is integrated, exchanged and managed.